Global E-Commerce

The Global Impact of Shopping Holidays on e-Commerce

The holiday season can only mean one thing: shopping holidays! 

Every year, businesses tend to participate in these events to boost sales and online traffic.

These are celebrated differently throughout the whole world. Some countries have really benefited from the profits that come in on these special days!

e-Commerce Growth From Shopping Holidays

Like you might have guessed, shopping holidays have helped global economies significantly. Platforms like Alibaba have brought in over $30 billion in one day alone. 

There are many others that are following suit. Amazon sees millions of people going through the site on these special occasions! This brings with it billions of dollars in profit, a figure that is growing year by year. 

There are dozens of these dates throughout the year. They are done differently depending on the country or region, so let’s go over some of the most popular ones!

Black Friday

Most people probably know about this one! Black Friday is typically the Friday after Thanksgiving, an American holiday. 

It’s a day when huge sales are offered both at brick-and-mortar stores and online. Typically, you can see lines that span blocks outside malls starting the day before. 

Although Black Friday is seen as an American thing, it’s now observed in over 60% of all nations! Companies saw the potential for growth, especially in e-commerce, from this single day and took advantage.


This web platform is one of the amazing things that came out of this holiday revolution. Jumia is based in Africa and focuses on connecting consumers to goods.

Over the past few years, they have seen tremendous growth in online sales. A lot of this is because of the promotions given on Black Friday, which millions of people have taken advantage of!

Cyber Monday

Celebrated the Monday after Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday is very similar to Black Friday. The only difference is that this one tends to just be for online transactions. 

Products site-wide for millions of pages are sold for incredibly low prices, who wouldn’t want that?

There are now 129 countries that participate in Cyber Monday. The number makes up approximately 66% of the world!

In recent years, the shopping holiday has grown to become more popular than Black Friday. Statistically, it is now about 25% more popular. Sales usually increase by about 77% for that day, leading to extreme e-commerce growth!

Singles Day

Singles Day was made to celebrate all those people not in relationships (don’t worry, you’ll find your person soon) on November 11. It originated in China but has quickly grown to be observed in dozens of different countries like Spain and UAE!

You might not have heard of it, but it is actually making more money than Black Friday every year! It’s a great time for online businesses to lower their prices as much as possible to increase sales and traffic to their websites. 

The method has been working great so far, growing e-commerce for both small and large businesses!


You could consider Alibaba the founder of Singles Day. Alibaba is a Chinese web platform similar to Amazon or Jumia. 

It’s the place to look if you’re looking for the hottest Singles Day deals. On November 11,  2019, they saw sales of over $38 billion!

Boxing Day

In regions like the UK and Australia, you might hear a lot of people talking about Boxing Day.

What this is, you might ask? It’s like Black Friday and Cyber Monday but the day after Christmas. Businesses offer unique sales to try to draw in more customers, especially online.

E-Commerce brands take advantage to boost engagement and expand to new areas, something that has helped tremendously with growth. Boxing Day is becoming more and more popular in other countries, so be on the lookout for sales on December 26!

El Buen Fin

If you’re looking for shopping holidays more centered around Latin America, El Buen Fin is a good place to start! It’s celebrated primarily in Mexico but has expanded to some other countries in the region. 

People take advantage of sales on the weekend before Mexico’s Revolution Day. Like most other holidays, it can be done in-person or online!

How Shopping Holidays Will Shape e-Commerce

Every year, sales during these shopping holidays are increasing more and more. If online businesses are able to offer good promotions, they’ll see huge boosts in profits and customers overall!
Consumers look forward to these days to try to find the best online deals possible. If you are able to offer these deals, then you’re on the right track!

Need more assistance on your online digital strategy during the holidays? Feel free to reach out to us at Colibri Content!

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